You’re thinking about changing your Elevator Speech.
You’ve heard of e-junkie, Mailchimp, Ning, OneRiot, StumbleUpon, Evernote, Tumblr, Mixx, BizSugar, TweetDeck, Twaitter, and Hootsuite—and you know what they mean.
You know the elements of a good landing page.
You are certain no one else has ever thought of the idea you just came up with.
You know the difference between and
You check your sales figures on your iPhone before you get out of bed.
Checking your Alexa ranking is a highlight of your week.
In your mind, musicians are solopreneurs.
You wonder how the big corporations keep track of everything.
You have invested more on software this week, than you have on new clothes in the past six months.
You know the Google search results for your keyword for the categories: “Any time,” Latest,” “Past 24 hours,” “Past week,” “Past month,” and “Past year.”
You sometimes recognize senders’ names in the spam that gets caught in your Web site filter.
You have colleagues in Malaysia, Nigeria, Australia, Thailand, England—and you think nothing of it.
Half of your friends and relatives think you are brilliant, and the others know you are crazy.
You have had the thrill of a client who “just loves your work.”
You have e-mail accounts with Google, Yahoo, MSN,, and you think you need all of them.
10:30 p.m. is early evening.
In your mind, pro golfers are solopreneurs.
You know the filing dates for your quarterly taxes.
You have a Google Voice account.
You can explain Purple Cow and Blue Ocean Theory.
You’re always afraid that your target market is too big.
The person who claims to be your spouse is begging you for dinner and a movie tonight.
You don’t have to think about how to spell solopreneur.
Add yours in the comments below.
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