Learning how to create passive income with no money is not easy... It's taken me years and a lot of trial and error to figure it out.
But first, I should probably define passive income so we are all on the same page.
Growing up my father owned his own business along with my grandfather before him. As I watched these men and their friends over the years, I began to notice something.
Those who were truly financially independent, owned their own business. And, not just any business, they all had businesses that made money even if they were not present. If they were sick or on vacation their business still made money.
This is what people call PASSIVE INCOME.
And over the years, I've learned that true financial freedom is usually only achieved by those who figure out how to establish passive income sources. Research shows that most millionaires have 7 or more sources of income.
To restate, passive income is when you can generate revenue even though you are not present (you stop trading dollars for hours). That way you’re always making money, you can never be laid off, sick, or injured.
When I first started trying to figure this passive income thing out I made the most common mistake. I tried to create passive income streams from scratch.
I created my own website, tried to grow my followers, create great content, set up a way to buy digital products... etc, etc, etc... And sure I eventually started to make some money.
But remember the old quote, "A penny saved is a penny earned". Well, the problem is it takes a lot of time and money to do it this way and the original question was "How to create passive income with no money?"
Long story short, I eventual figured it out... So it is possible you just need to know a few key principles:
- Don't try and reinvent the wheel (2 Parts)
- First, you don't have the funds to start from scratch, so use other existing platforms that already have a customer base (piggyback off their work)... Second, model someone who's already done it. Mistakes cost money and time, you can't afford either...
- Marketing is expensive
- Marketing is always one of the most expensive parts of a business plan... If done right the ROI is awesome, the problem is you don't have the funds to figure it out (and no matter what, it always takes some trial and error to get right)... So you need to find platforms that market for you.
- Finally, use what you already have
- You already have resources so use those first, then when you're making something (and not before) use your profits to grow.
People always put the cart before the horse when they're starting a new business and get all excited with the preparing phase and spend way to much on tools, etc...
First profits then expansion.
So, what are the 4 best ways on how to create passive income with no money?
Well, not only am I going to tell you, but I went one step further and created a step-by-step (over-the-shoulder)video training showing you how to do it.
So hear you go:
#1- The World’s Biggest eBook Marketplace
With millions of downloads per day, it’s an untapped goldmine for Solopreneurs, like us, to make a lot of money.
What if you can get your ebooks exposed to literally millions of people on a day to day basis? With this platform you can. And you don’t need to be a marketing genius to succeed with it. The platform allows you to set it up to run on autopilot, where they do all the marketing for you and I show you just how to do that in my video tutorials:
CLICK HERE To Discover How To Create Passive Income Through Self-Publishing
#2 - The Holy Grail For Those Who Teach
Start selling what you know online... How about not having to mess with all the technical aspects of building a website and driving traffic… This platform has over 3,000,000 students who are active on the site. That’s right - 3 million!
By teaching on it you can easily tap into that ever-expanding pool of eager students. You do not have to advertise your class, the platform is popular enough for students to find your class and enroll easily. Most classes gain students organically.
CLICK HERE To Discover How To Sell Your Knowledge For Passive Profits
#3 - Coaches and Trainers Are In Huge Demand
20 million students. That’s the recent amount of people enrolled on this platform to take online courses. This number keeps on increasing every year and is set to double by 2020. College students, businessmen and everyday people come to Udemy every single day to learn and improve their skills in various fields.
Buyers are waiting for you to sell them something. That’s why they are there after all! But what can you coach or train them on? Anything… and I mean it. If you can think of it, then there’s a niche for it. The beauty of this platform is that there are already millions of people searching for help everyday. The traffic is already there.
CLICK HERE To Discover How To Scale Your Coaching Business For Passive Profits
#4 - Getting Paid By People Who Really Watch & Enjoy Your Videos
If you’re a creative person who loves making video content, do you know that you can turn your passion into a steady flow of passive income? No, I’m not talking about getting paid for the ads that run before your videos… or in the middle of your videos that annoys everyone like on Youtube.
Just like how a movie producer makes a profit... Imagine turning your movies, short video clips, or even your existing Youtube videos into an ongoing passive income for a lifetime! A new platform that lets you get paid for every piece of video content you upload.
CLICK HERE To Discover How To Sell Your Digital Videos
Well, there you have it... 4 of the best ways on how to create passive income with no money.
You can now go and figure out all the details, but like most people that try to figure things out on their own, they end up wasting a lot of time, get frustrated and end up quiting.
That’s because they spin their wheels, follow bad advice, and just don’t get the right roadmap to success. My video series was designed to prevent that from happening… When you get the training today, you watch over the shoulder… and then you replicate it.
It’s THAT simple.
So there you have it... The 4 best ways on how to create passive income with no money... The balls in your court now, what are you going to do with it?