When evaluating a business idea, I measure three areas:
• The market’s wants and needs
• The ability to meet the market’s wants and needs
• The level of passion for the work
But I’ve learned that I shouldn’t be measuring passion at all.
Passion is like “falling in love” or “being in love.” Passion is the emotional, irrational euphoria that occurs at the beginning of a relationship. It’s when we can’t see the other person’s flaws. It’s when we believe that the feeling will last forever.
But you know this — the euphoria always ends.
Many business startups are like the euphoric stage of love. We ignore potential pitfalls. We see the rewards but are blind to the risks. We scoff at the idea of creating a business plan. Our passion for the business will conquer all! (This all sounds familiar, if you’ve been a solopreneur for a while.)
Purpose isn’t passion.
Purpose isn’t an emotion.
Purpose isn’t a feeling.
Consider these words from HealthyPlace.com :
The work of love is choosing to love. Choosing to treat each other with kindness. Choosing to keep the relationship alive and healthy. Choosing to give to one another. Choosing to remain friends despite conflicts.
Do you see the difference between passion and purpose? Passion is living with your eyes closed. Purpose is living with eyes wide open. Passion runs away from reality. Purpose is knee-deep in reality.
When our businesses are based on passion, we’re not able to survive the setbacks. Our confidence crumbles. Our dream turns into a nightmare. What we once loved, we now hate.
But when driven by purpose, we know that crises will occur. We know that the path will be difficult.
But we know we will overcome, because we have made a commitment to our purpose, we have made a promise to our true selves.
Ultimately, passion can’t sustain a life or a business. Purpose can and does.
If you’re in the throes of passion for your business, I want you to know that passion isn’t always bad — it can indicate that your business is built on your purpose.
So my suggestion is this: when the passion for your business disappears, take the time necessary to identify your purpose. You might find that your passion was the result of being aligned with your purpose.
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