It’s always fun to find a useful, new website. I hope you find a few you love among the 15 websites I visit most often. The list includes websites I visit in order to complete tasks, and websites I visit for ideas and inspiration.
Attention Getting Marketing
Marketing ideas for small businesses.
A Way With Words
A website, radio program, blog, and forum that examine slang, grammar, old sayings, word origins, regional dialects, family expressions, and speaking and writing well.
Small-business tips and news submitted by bloggers.
My go-to source for color inspiration.
Deb Greenleaf shares her solo-business and accounting expertise.
Few copywriters understand solopreneurs as well as Amy Harrison.
The site says of itself: “Correspondence deserving of a wider audience.” No doubt about it.
Photos from the archives of Life magazine.
Because it’s fun when brazen logo thieves are busted.
Google’s Matt Cutts scares me, and his “I’m on your side” smile gives me the creeps. But ignore him at your own risk.
The Rant
Website of copywriter John Carlton.
Sarah Arrow’s blog
Excellent source of social-media and marketing insight.
Rock-solid small-business information and resources (with an emphasis on rural entrepreneurship) from Becky McCray.
Opinions on brand-identity work.
I’m not a big fan of Garrison Keillor, but his Writer’s Almanac site is a treasure.
My go-to site when I need to relax and recharge.
The Solopreneur Life Membership
Finally, I'm trying to follow the advice "Be your own best customer", I know that sounds funny but the old saying about how the plumbers own faucets leaking is often true... so I'm going through my own membership and applying it's training.
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