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 The Solopreneur Life | Passive Income | Home Business

Featured Solopreneur Heather Claus: “I’m a Rebel and a Capitalist”

  • By Larry Keltto
  • 01 Jun, 2010

This is “Featured Solopreneur,” an ongoing series that gives all of us a glimpse at how other solopreneurs operate their small businesses. Click Here to read more Solopreneur Success Stories.

Heather Claus

Name of solopreneur:
Heather Claus

Name of business and city:
365 Days of Everything; Wilmington, North Carolina

Web site address: (launching in June with our first partnership,

Type of business:
A new Web site community connecting niche interests (and partnerships) with each other via memberships, mentoring and technical resources.

When did you officially go into business:
I’ve been in business for myself since 1995, with a brief layover in the corporate world for 18 months.

I started originally with the first online sewing classes, which I ran for 10 years. I also have a lot of experience in web development freelancing, focusing on communities and marketing.

Why did you start your own business:
I’m a rebel and a capitalist. *smiles*

What was the best thing you did when you were starting up your business:
I did what felt right to me. In 1996 NO ONE thought online sewing classes would work. I proved them very wrong.

What is a mistake that you made that you have learned from:
I structured my first business so that no matter how successful it was, it could not grow beyond my own capabilities or without me.

What is your biggest current challenge in the business and what are you doing to try to solve it:
Right now my biggest challenge is finding the right partners for a variety of niche interests. I want everything from collecting stamps to video games to cats to hiking. The right people are out there, I just need to be connected with them.

What are your goals for 2010:
Grow traffic through my flagship site and launch at least one niche per month, ideally two to three per month, starting in June.

Where do you want to be with the business in five years:
I want to be able to say that not only have I been successful both financially and in finding balance, but I also want to be able to say that I helped other businesses succeed and allowed our members to express themselves and find resources for their passions.

What are your main software programs:
I’m a Mac lover from WAY back. I’ve worked with Macs since 1991 and have owned one or more since 1995.

I work primarily in Apple (iMovie, QuickTime) and Adobe (InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, Fireworks) products. My browser of choice is Firefox. My Web development framework is most often Joomla.

What’s your advice for aspiring solopreneurs:
Get a good network. I not only have a great network of clients and partners locally, I am also active in the Third Tribe forums, and the advice is invaluable.

Are you glad you became a solopreneur? Why or why not?
Yes. I’m no good at being an employee. *grins*


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